Foul Drainage Statement
Foul water disposal options vary from catchment to catchment and site to site. Our foul water statement provides all of the information a planning authority should require in order to assess the foul discharge approach.
Our Foul Drainage Statement includes the work required to calculate the flow rate from the existing site and the flow anticipated rate from your proposed development.
We will liaise with the sewer undertaker and identify whether the local system can support your development. Working with the undertaker, we will strive to agree on prospective solutions to any capacity issues so that your development may progress through the planning system.
If a local connection to the network is not available, we can provide initial recommendation on appropriate alternative treatment or disposal options.
A supporting statement will be provided which identifies :-
- Correspondence with the sewer undertaker
- Confirmation of an appropriate solution
- A suggested connection point to the local network
- An assessment of the need for pumping and indications on the pumping route and pumping station location.